One of the less populated islands of Greece is Arki, counting just 40 residents. The length of this island is not more than 6 km, and its width at no point is bigger than 2 km. There resides Pandelides family, a family of farmers prevailing on the northern region of the island, on its highest peak of just 115 m. Mrs. Anastasia and her three sons, look after their animals on a daily basis, do the household and constantly take care of their stone fences that start to collapse over time. Observing them, I had the sense that they participate in a peculiar, primordial ritual, repeated always as perpetually in this sterile land. They seem to be assimilated into this land, to have acquired the stability and the silence of the stone. At the same time though, the land itself has been sculpted by their timeless presence. The only complaint I heard coming out of their mouth, is that there are no women wishing to live in this place, this way.