Tamis leads a solitary life in his old family home, in the southern part of the Ikaria Island, among arbutuses and cypresses. He dresses modestly, cultivates his garden and looks after his dog and housemate, Rokko, having limited his needs to the bare essentials. Born and bred of the island, he grew up working until the age of majority and then began his journey. He found himself on the ships, traveling from India to South America, and then ended up settling in the United States. He worked for years, he experienced the Woodstock generation and he identified with an era of change and revolution. His lifestyle, peculiar and uncompromising, even led him to the American prison. He returned to Greece during the years of the dictatorship, was put in the Korydallos prison complex as a deserter, served in the Navy, and till this day he continues living “rebelliously”, proclaiming a modest way of life, in complete harmony and connection with land and nature.