The world before us is a postcard, and I imagine the story we are writing on it”, Mary Pearson wrote in the early 20th century. The history of the postcard officially began in January 1869 by an initiative of Emanuel Hermann, Austrian professor at the Military Academy of Vienna. He proposed a type of letter without an envelope, which would have the postage pre-printed on it and the advantage of being lighter than a typical letter. His idea got accepted, so the first official journey of postcards began from the Austrian postal service. Nowadays, we have the ability to communicate directly and quite easily from one end of the world to another, but in the previous century, the most common way of mailing was the postcard. With the help of Aris Lazaris, postcard collector, we travel through the world of the postal card, a world connecting the past to the present, the image to its recollection, the customs and traditions of a place to the stories written on the back.