Tα κGreece’s coffee houses, meeting points of men, spaces of games and pleasures, spaces of gathering and socializing, of information but also of political contradictions, of professional transactions but also of the group’s beanfeasts, wisecracks and jokes, they constitute the heart of every place’s men’s society, the space where all kinds of men’s issues are discussed and solved. In the coffee house, men spend their time, they drink coffee playing cards or backgammon matches, they watch or hear the news, they comment on events, they discuss and –mainly- argue. Most of all, though, the coffee house is the space where a man reports his presence in the men’s society. He goes to the coffee house to see and to be seen, to listen and to be heard. Disappearing from the coffee house means not being around, means disappearing from the social life. αφενεία της Ελλάδας, χώροι συνάντησης των ανδρών, τόποι παιγνιδιών και απολαύσεων, τόποι συνεύρεσης και κοινωνικής συναναστροφής, τόποι ενημέρωσης αλλά και πολιτικών αντιπαραθέσεων, επαγγελματικών συναλλαγών αλλά και τόποι των γλεντιών της παρέας, τόποι του καλαμπουριού και της πλάκας, αποτελούν την καρδιά της ανδρικής κοινωνίας κάθε τόπου, ο χώρος οπου συζητιώνται και επιλύονται όλων των ειδών ανδρικά ζητήματα.